Giftlist pro Plus 8
Giftlist pro Plus 8
Giftlist pro Plus 8
Giftlist pro Plus 8
Giftlist pro Plus 8
Giftlist pro Plus 8
Giftlist pro Plus 8
Giftlist pro Plus 8
Giftlist pro Plus 8
Giftlist pro Plus 8
Giftlist pro Plus 8
Giftlist pro Plus 8
Giftlist pro Plus 8
Giftlist pro Plus 8
Giftlist pro Plus 8
Giftlist pro Plus 8
Giftlist pro Plus 8
Giftlist pro Plus 8
Giftlist pro Plus 8
Giftlist pro Plus 8
Giftlist pro Plus 8
Giftlist pro Plus 8
Giftlist pro Plus 8
Giftlist pro Plus 8
Giftlist pro Plus 8
Giftlist pro Plus 8
Giftlist pro Plus 8
Giftlist pro Plus 8
Giftlist pro Plus 8
Giftlist pro Plus 8

Giftlist pro Plus 8


Compatible with PS 8 Only

The most advanced list module !

Among others:

  • BO creation and management
  • Global participation
  • Delivery method to be customized


Don't forget to save details to be able to add to cart
  • License


Find out all what you want to know in the tabs below ;)  and not hesitate to contact us if needed be...

Giftlistpro Plus is definitively more advanced and user friendly than Giftlistpro, featuring among others some new features:

  • BO creation and management
  • Global participation
  • Delivery method to be customized (beta)
  • Possibility of sorting the products by drag and drop (admin only)
  • In header link to lists management, and link to a CMS page (created by your own)
  • Possibility to add products to a list w/o being logged in
  • PDF of the products of the list
  • Last gift and donator’s message in the email sent to the creator after every purchase
  • Display offered products on donator’s page
  • New and user friendly interface to add products to a list
  • Possibility to get the “add to list” button into the category page

With Giftlistpro Plus, it is now possible to define specific products only for lists! They will be hidden on front end, and as the admin you will be able to add them to lists.

Find out all the functionalities of Giftlistpro Plus compared to the other modules.

Which one of the 3 modules does suit you? To find it out, please refer to the comparative table of list modules pdf.

As a merchant

  1. Manage et create lists from your back office
  2. Edit the pdf of the list with the value of products and total
  3. Customize easily the add to list button
  4. Let your customers create and manage their gift lists on their own. They will be kept inform of each purchase on their list thanks to an automatic email sending!
  5.   Have access to a real dashboard which centralizes all the information of the lists and their purchases. No need to spread out papers and archives.
    Data can be sorted, filtered, and exported in PDF,excel or csv format!
  6. Finally, people who want to offer gifts will easily find the list of their choice either by an alphabetical name search, via a direct link displayed in an email sent by the shop, or thanks to social media sharing.

As a creator of the list

  • create a list for a special event
  • create a list without being logged
  • receive participation as a gift, and decide to use it to purchase what he wants on the shop
  • protect its access by password
  • share the list on social media or by email
  • publish welcome picture and welcome message
  • be kept inform of each purchase on your list thanks to an automatic email sending!
  • generate and view the summary wishlist PDF : offered products and donators, messages of donators.
  • set up products parameters at every time : quantity, priority, cancellation, available for gift

As a donator who want to offer gifts

  • offer a global participation
  • easily find the list of your choice by an alphabetical name search (name of the list or creator’s lastname, or via a direct link displayed in an email sent by the shop.
  • leave a message of congratulations to the recipient of the gift when offering products. It will be included on the PDF
  • use the owner’s list delivery address
  • carrier selection skipped in the checkout (beta)

Find out all the functionalities of Giftlistpro Plus here: comparative table of list modules pdf.

Among that,

As a merchant
Easy installation
  • quick and easy installation, without changing the core of PrestaShop. An installation wizard will guide you, and even offers to import data from the old module Prestashop gift list

Simplify your life
  • quick access to the module configuration (« quick access » button)
  • list of orders with lists of gifts for a selected period
  • list of gift lists for a selected period, with date event
  • automatic email sending after every creation of a new list
  • automatic email sending after every gift purchase (incl. PDF)
  • enable donators to use delivery address of lists creators
  • display the name of the list and the list's owner on invoice (PDF) and on order back office page
  • authorize list creation – authorize your customers to create one list with or without your permission
  • activation/deactivation of a list : you can deactivated a list and it will not be available for gift
  • distinction between paid orders status and “all status” orders
  • issue information about lists in multiple formats (PDF, monitor, printer, csv, excel)
  • analysis of each gift list with total purchases, detail of orders and products purchased and the remaining

Satify your customer (who created a list)
  • propose a user-friendly and complete interface
  • enable welcome picture on list page
  • send him/her the PDF summary by email in two clicks

As the list's owner
Communicate quickly address list
  • Share your list on social networks via AddThis (Facebook, Tweeter, Google Plus)
  • Send an email invitation to your friends, customize it and view it before sending.
  • Get the web link of your list and send it by e-mail
  • Or propose the name search

Manage the list
  • Add a product to a list without having created a list: automatic list creation
  • Receive an email to confirm the creation of your list
  • Add welcome message on your list page
  • Add welcome picture on your list page
  • Set up event date, type of list, etc.
  • Rename the list
  • Enable donators to use your delivery address
  • Protect the list with password
  • Publish your list when you are ready: it will be available for buying products and displayed in search list results.
  • Prioritize your products, up to 5 levels to sort products
  • Add or remove a product at any time, and set up the wished quantity by product

Know in real time
  • who gave you and what, either on screen or in a pdf
  • messages from your friends
  • the quantities offered, and the remaining quantities
  • thank easily donators by clicking their direct email link

As a donor to offer a gift
Find a list easily
  • Search for a list by name of its creator or the list name, without having to find the mail featuring the link

  • Being welcomed by the welcome picture and message posted by the creator
  • Leave a message (of congratulations for example) to the recipient of the gift when buying
  • Select the list’s owner address when you check out

Soon available

The best thing is to try it!

Demonstration website of  Giftlistpro module for your convenience:

Note that an authentication popup will open. The credentials are: « aw » as user, « aw » as password.

Remove any performance cache smarty settings and CCC parameters  before installing the module. You will set them back afterwards.
  •  Caution: please note that the module is not compatible with attribute wizard pro module. Contact the developer for more information.
  • Caution: please note that the module is not compatible with customized products. Contact the developer for more information.
  • Javascript activation is recommended to enjoy all the functionalities of the module.

90 days following your purchase you will benefit of an aftersales service and downloads

E-commerce framework
PS 8
Compatible Prestashop 1.6
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